What does this year hold? Here are my predictions for the top 5 technology trends that are set to shape the business world over the course of the next twelve months.1. Cloud To Leap Forward Whichever way one turns analysts’ forecasts for the future of cloud computing are positively gushing. Gartner says cloud computing will … Continued
6 ERP System Characteristics You Don’t Want To Comprise On
You may find yourself becoming overwhelmed with all the potential choices of ERP software available on the market. Many decision makers have purchased such software only to find out later that it was not the right fit for their specific business. Although there is a myriad of information available to aid in the ERP Systems … Continued
It’s Time To De-Bug The Education System
Since the education system was created during the industrial revolution, it hasn’t changed much due to the ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’ attitude. The problem is, society’s requirements of education have changed a great deal since the late 18th century, but the school system doesn’t reflect this. Rather than hard work and obedience … Continued
Will The Paperless Workplace Ever Become A Reality?
Predictions of how technology will change our lives don’t always work out. Science and technology TV shows in the 50s and 60s often suggested that we’d all be driving flying cars by now, but I certainly don’t have mine yet. Similar predictions have also been made about the paperless office for many years now – … Continued
4 Things That Today’s Tech Can Teach Us About Success
Most people agree that today’s technology is (for the most part) making life simpler, allowing us more time for other things and ultimately giving us a wealth of opportunities to have more comfortable lives. While we can sometimes feel like throwing our computers out the window, can you imagine how we ever functioned without Facebook, … Continued
Drop The Box: Is Synchronisation The Solution?
The use of cloud services is rising continuously for both private and public companies. In fact, analysts predict a growth in the enterprise cloud market from $18.3 billion in 2012 to $31.9 billion in 2017. This rise of cloud services is due to the increase in the use of smartphones and tablets. These devices usually … Continued
Corporate Identity
What is a Corporate Identity? Corporate identity is about how you want your business to look to your target market – i.e. those folks you call clients or customers – as well as those other folks that haven’t become customers or clients yet…but you would like them to. This is generally achieved through the following: … Continued
The Revolution In Online Bookkeeping: Counting On The Cloud
Unlike traditional software, online accounting technology provides the real-time controls and visibility needed to put small and microbusiness owners in the driving seat when it comes to their finances. The boom in function-rich cloud-based software is having a transformational effect on the vast small business community. Nowhere is this being felt more keenly than in … Continued
SAP Offers Fast Track To Innovation Via A Flexible Path To The Cloud
SAP Offers Fast Track to Innovation Via a Flexible Path to the Cloud SAP AG (NYSE: SAP) is taking the next step to make the recently announced unified cloud portfolio vision a reality for customers, putting them in the driver’s seat for their cloud journey. SAP now offers customers and partners a simple, flexible model … Continued
Clearing The Path Towards Collaboration And Communication
Clearing The Path Towards Collaboration And Communication In The Multi-Generational Workplace The advances being made on the technology side of business, such as cloud, social media and smartphone apps often have to stop and wait for the human side to catch up. Resistance, fear and inertia are rampant in companies whose managers and senior decision-makers remain … Continued
ICT Consultancy
Our objective is to provide practical, realistic suggestions and expert advice to most business solutions. Our Experienced consultants take the time to understand the goals and objectives of your business before they discuss any technology solutions. Consult with us. why us? Easy to understand Thorough assessment Trustworthy We understand your market We understand budgets Skilled … Continued
Enterprise Content Management
Document Management captures, shares and retains content, enabling users to version, search and simply build their own content applications – all with the tools they use today. Real people want the simplicity and familiarity of the tools they use day-in, day-out: shared drives and Microsoft Office Document Management System (DMS) features provide organizations with all … Continued
ERP: Point of Sale, Inventory management, Accounts and Banking Controls
This custom multi store and multi company solution, is specifically designed to meet your company or organization unique business requirements. We work closely with our clients not only in documenting their requirements but also becoming their partner in providing an optimized POS and Inventory solution that caters to the specific needs of your enterprise. The … Continued